Docker has become the preferable way and the most easy way to run continuous integration, due to its reproducible nature and fast learning curve.

There are multiple ways approaching CI processes using docker.

  • Using docker build, which is the easiest way
FROM node:12
ARG NODE_ENV=production
COPY . /src
RUN npm install
CMD [ "node", "app.js" ]
  • Using docker multi step build, this usually helps making the final image smaller and safer without all the build binaries
FROM maven AS Builder
COPY . /src
RUN  [ "mvn" ,  "clean" , "install" ]

FROM openjdk:12-alpine
COPY --from=Builder /src/target ./srv/
CMD [ "java", "-jar", "app.jar" ]
  • Using docker run with a pre-built build image on a volume mount this allows having cache directories and have some more functionality during the build, and will allow multiple commands
docker run -v `$pwd`:/src -v `~/.m2`:/root/.m2 maven mvn clean install
  • Using docker in docker, like gitlab, bitbucket etc… This method is more complex than the rest and require you to mount docker socket to the as a volume to the docker container, and can be preformed in 2 ways:

There is an official docker in docker image by docker inc that is tagged as docker:dind

  1. Running containers on the host machine for the docker in docker container, this will require access to docker socket as a volume inside the docker in docker container.

    docker run \
        --rm -v `pwd`:/mnt \
        -v /mnt/.m2:/root/.m2 \
        -v /mnt/.gradle:/root/.gradle \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
        -w /mnt docker:dind sh ./

    And script can run this example:

    docker run -p 6379:6379 \
        -d --name redis redis:alpine
    docker run -v /root/.m2 \
        -v /root/.gradle:/root/.gradle:ro \
        -v /mnt:/mnt \
        --link redis \
        --rm -it -d --name builder gradle /bin/bash
    docker exec builder gradle build
    docker exec builder gradle test
    docker exec builder gradle upload

    This script will launch 2 docker container on the host, that will be resolvable because of the --link. On the host and inside the docker in docker container the command docker ps will show the same number of containers running (that is 3 containers, docker in docker, redis, gradle).

    Killing the docker in docker container will not kill the containers on the host machine.

  2. Running the docker daemon inside the docker container and in it running the reset on the containers, seeing only one container running on the host, and multiple ones inside the docker container. This will not require mapping docker socket inside the container, but will require to run the docker in docker container with --privileged flag

    The –privileged flag gives all capabilities to the container, and it also lifts all the limitations enforced by the device cgroup controller. In other words, the container can then do almost everything that the host can do. This flag exists to allow special use-cases, like running Docker within Docker.

    To start the docker in docker container:

    docker run \
        --rm -v `pwd`:/mnt \
        -v /mnt/.m2:/root/.m2 \
        -v /mnt/.gradle:/root/.gradle \
        --privileged -w /mnt docker:dind sh ./

    And now the script will run as follows:

    set -x
    # Starting docker daemon
    /usr/local/bin/dockerd --log-level fatal >> /dev/dull &
    # Wait for the daemon
    while true; do
        docker version
        if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
            sleep 2
    docker run -p 6379:6379 \
        -d --name redis redis:alpine
    docker run -v /root/.m2 \
        -v /root/.gradle:/root/.gradle:ro \
        -v /mnt:/mnt \
        --link redis \
        --rm -it -d --name builder gradle /bin/bash
    docker exec builder gradle build
    docker exec builder gradle test
    docker exec builder gradle upload

    The script will do almost the same as before, but now, docker ps on the host machine will show only a single docker container running, the docker in docker daemon. Inside the docker in docker container you docker ps will show 2 running containers, redis and builder. once you kill the docker in docker container, the 2 additional CI containers will be terminated, as they are running inside the docker in docker container.

    This way, you will not have any zombie containers on the host machine, and you will not have naming / IP conflicts on the host machine.

What method is preferable

Well, the answer is: it depends.

I this that keeping it simple is the most important thing when building a CI pipeline. so if using plain docker build as described on the first bullet, then go for it. Usually I end up combining docker in docker and docker build one after the other.

Enjoying the docker run on a prebuilt compiling image that uses host cache for libraries and dependencies, once the run finished building the artifact, than on the host machine I am using a plain docker build that will take the artifact and COPY it to a docker alpine image.

For simple applications with couple of dependencies I prefer not adding any complexity and running the entire process in multi-step docker build as mentioned in the second bullet.

Common pitfalls

As always there’s the common pitfalls, one is file permissions and the other is disk space.

  1. As I prefer adding my Jenkins user to docker group and not to sudoers group, sometime docker creates files with root permission (libraries, artifacts etc…), so in the end of a jenkins build, as a post process I will run a simple docker container that does cleanup with root permission

    docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/mnt/ alpine:3.7 rm -rf /mnt/build
  2. Cleaning up disk space on a jenkins host/slaves running docker as a CI tool is mandatory, I hate running remote scripts in cron jobs, so, I’ve made a small docker image cleaner container instead of executing those hateful scripts that runs in the background and cleans up images. To run it just use

sudo docker run \
  -e FILTER=alpine:latest \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -d omerha/docker-image-cleaner:latest