Running jvm in kubernetes

Recently I’ve joined a project with real time machine learning inference. The project was set to run on Kubernetes 1.12 on AWS while development and training was made on premise, and some were made using Docker. When the application was deployed to production we started to see poor performance and started to investigate. and it was weird, on the developers machines and in docker everything worked faster. After debugging it for a while I understood that the jvm doesn’t see all available cores inside the pod....

March 1, 2020 · 3 min · 574 words · Omer

Working With AWS ECR on Kubernetes Running on Docker for mac

When you choose to run your kubernetes cluster on AWS, there are 2 easy ways: The almost valina way using Kops The amazon way using EKS The common thing between both ways, is using Amazon ECR for storing the docker images and have a worry free push, pull to and from Amazon ECR which requires a IAM Role that allows the worker nodes pulling the images saftly. Amazon ECR Amazon Elastic Container Service is one of the cheapst ways to store docker images and safer due to the nature of Amazon IAM....

August 27, 2019 · 3 min · 512 words · Omer

Accessing EKS API Server from AWS EC2 instance

In this post I am going to describe how to maintain access to Amazon AWS EKS - kubernetes cluster with only attaching an IAM Role as an instance profile, without configuring access keys on the ec2 instance. The benefit of course is not storing any Amazon IAM credentials on the ec2 instance. Having your infrastructure more secure. In my use case, I wanted to have my Jenkins CI server have access to EKS cluster for adding continuance delivery using Jenkins declarative pipeline, to my continuance integration process....

May 28, 2019 · 4 min · 785 words · Omer