Lambda continuous delivery using docker and Jenkins pipeline

Using AWS Lambda has become very popular. Most of the time using it is fast and just (but not always). When you start having a lot of lambda functions the complexity of managing them can be hard. When a developer can just edit the code inline, it can become the worse manage service use ever chose. So again, the most important thing to do when you start working with Lambda is to have a proper way to deliver the code from git to aws....

June 27, 2019 · 4 min · 703 words · Omer

The state of continuous integration using docker

Docker has become the preferable way and the most easy way to run continuous integration, due to its reproducible nature and fast learning curve. There are multiple ways approaching CI processes using docker. Using docker build, which is the easiest way FROM node:12 ARG NODE_ENV=production COPY . /src RUN npm install WORKDIR /src CMD [ "node", "app.js" ] Using docker multi step build, this usually helps making the final image smaller and safer without all the build binaries FROM maven AS Builder COPY ....

June 2, 2019 · 5 min · 964 words · Omer